Sunday, January 03, 2010


sentiments for the new year

Pursue the positive experience of being into yourself. If you don't, who will? Just try to get to know all your human's thoughts and feelings. Consider what you have to do and what you want to do. Give every situation a chance to work out to offer something for everyone including you. Patiently wait for opportunities to explore your interests. Make time on a regular basis to do something expressive or creative with yourself. Hang out with yourself in various moods. Evaluate your impulses and list your options, find the most interesting things to do, including some out of the ordinary. Collect the things you do and make, and enjoy going over them like you're sharing them with a friend. You will be. How can it ever be a bad thing to be into yourself, if inside you is your access to God, the greatest energy of love and wisdom that in turn connects with and cares for everyone and everything in harmony. Ideally, people should be leading fairly balanced and judicious lives, kind to themselves and everyone around them, because they're far too busy getting to know themselves to ever waste time on unecessary conflicts and disasters. Do your part to contribute your best functioning self to the world which needs it, so that more and more people will feel the pull to just know what to do when the time comes to fix the problems and celebrate being alive together.

"Patiently wait for opportunities to explore your interests. Make time on a regular basis to do something expressive or creative with yourself."

Being a father of five kids who still live at home, this is a tough one for me. But I know it's important. Whenever I neglect putting aside some time to do something expressive or creative, I start feeling empty.

May you have a wonderful, creative and expressive new year!
I know, I have two toddlers, I love them but then I can't wait for them to get to bed. Thanks for the solidarity, happy new year!
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