Sunday, October 21, 2007


happy birthday to me

Hi all,

Here's a remarkable optical illusion of a dancing silhouette. Which way you see it spin probably suggests if you're right or left handed. Some news sites seem to have incorrectly stated that right spin means right brain, which people then take as a compliment because they think it means they're creative and spiritual. But in fact the brain sides cross sides of the body, so right spin probably means right hand and thus left brain dominance. The real trick is to see the truth, which is that she isn't spinning but actually just flapping back and forth with her right leg morhphing into her left leg and back again! Then you must decide if she's facing toward you or away!

And this, for all you fans of Charles and Kurt Leland's breakout hit self-help book "Menus for Impulsive Living", is a stunning animated illustration of one of the menus system's most important principles. My son Eli opened my eyes to this!

The Mystical Art and Talent Show went great by the way, lots of fantastic talent, thank you all! We'll continue to get pics online at some point for her and info online at I read a truth-based otherwordly dream story called The Real Matrix, Or, How A Semiotic Id Is Not Semi-Idiotic, which will be online here soon

peace out,

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