Sunday, December 18, 2005


The Broken Robot Prayer

Broken Robot

DREAM: Thesis
I had a dream that my boss -- whom i admire for what he gets done, what with founding a good little company and all -- I dreamt that my boss sent me to the robot factory to get a broken part replaced. I had to get off of a train at a nowhere stop and walk across a field. Some nice young people met me at the factory and told me I had to wait for the new part. In the meantime, they treated me to some tasty little ice cream scoops.

REALITY: Antithesis
I'm having difficulty juggling my time and goals, I'd like to get more done. I get anxiously off track sometimes, in the middle of nowhere. I ate tasty little ice cream scoops last night as I stayed up too late trying to write after getting together with some friends. Staying up so late throws me off for the next day, in my quest to do my full day's schedule of goals (acronym: DEWCMARF)

INTERFACE: Synthesis
Please God, replace the broken peace in my broken robot. I'm the boss, and I'm the broken robot. I'll be patient, I will wait. I'll seek to enjoy your creation, including friends, and the tasty little ice cream scoops.

-- Carl Schroeder 12/18/2005--

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